The Magic of Music Part 6

EP or Album? Choose a Strategy!

By: Ruud Smith

Are you planning to record your first songs as an artist? Then it’s time to think ahead and consider the kind of artist you are and the direction you want to go in. Will you release a single first or jump straight into a full album with 15 tracks? There’s also a middle ground: the EP. We don’t believe there’s one right path. You should do what suits you best as a musician. Whatever you choose, make sure to have a clear strategy in mind.

Why start with an EP?
An EP is a shorter version of an album. It’s a great way to introduce your music to the world. This strategy focuses on building a long-term connection with your new audience. An EP feels like sketching your work. It’s a complete piece but not as complete as an album. An EP is an intermediate step, a rougher work, and a way for you to develop yourself. An EP usually contains 3-5 songs, providing a good impression of your music. This allows the audience to assess you properly and increases your chances of getting booked for gigs.”

An album feels too much like a final product. For another musician, recording an EP might be a try-out or a preview of the “real” album. In any case, EPs often have a rawer sound compared to albums. They are a great way to build your legacy as a musician.

Introducing your single to the world
You’ve probably already written several songs, performed live, or even released an EP. Now, it’s time for the next step: releasing your first single. A single is an excellent way to introduce your music to a larger audience. It’s the song you want to be associated with in the coming months. Our tip? Put your single online! Whether it’s on your own website, YouTube, or through social media, it doesn’t matter if as many people as possible can listen to it. If the audience likes your song, they will naturally search for you on platforms like Spotify.

Releasing an album
If you have already built an audience with your EP, single, or live shows, it’s time to offer more to your fans. Perhaps you’re not done experimenting and want to release a new EP. If you feel like you have completely found your own sound, then it’s time to record an album! By now, you should have an idea of which songs are most popular among your audience. It might be wise to include these songs on your first album. Alternatively, you may want to surprise your audience with completely new songs. It’s your choice. If your listeners appreciate your music, they will follow you no matter what.

Whether you choose an EP, a single, or an album, the most important thing is to have a clear strategy that suits you as an artist. An EP can serve as an introduction to your music and help establish a connection with your audience. A single is a powerful tool to present your music to a wider audience. An album provides an opportunity to showcase more of your artistic identity and offer your fans a complete and immersive listening experience. Whichever path you choose, it’s crucial to believe in your decision and stay true to your artistic vision.

Remember, whether you opt for an EP, a single, or an album, the key is to have a clear strategy that aligns with your goals and resonates with your unique musical expression. Embrace your creativity, stay committed to your artistic journey, and success will follow. Best of luck as you embark on the exciting endeavour of recording your first songs!

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